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Preseptal Cellulitis Inflammation of eyelid tissues:  This results from trauma or spread of local infections.
It is necessary to observe closely for spread. Treat with Oral Antibiotics.

Orbital Cellulitis
- i.e. inflammation of orbital tissues behind the orbital septum. This has very serious consequences if not managed quickly. spread of infection may result in Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis or Meningitis.
- secondary to acute sinusitis
- secondary to ocular inflammation
Both results in proptosis and some limitation of ocular movement.
Where the aetiology is extra–orbital the eye will be white and quite – the opposite occurs with ocular infection
- treat the causative infections- - systemic antibiotics
- Surgical drainage of the sinus & orbit may be necessary.
Monitor with MRI or CT scan; evaluate eye-movements, pupils and vision closely

These children require admission to hospital because of the potential hazards to vision and life due to a combination optic nerve compression, the complication of cavernous sinus involvement or meningitis.