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Definition – white pupil

Retrolental lesions may if large enough, reflect light out of the eye causing a white pupillary reflection. Cataracts can be distinguished from a retrolental lesion.

Differential Diagnosis
- Retinoblastoma
- Retrolental Fibroplasia
- Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous
- Congenital Toxoplasmosis- Toxocariasis
- Coats Disease
- Chorioretinal Colobomas

- Pseudo- leucocoria - Rarely Digital cameras return an image of a white pupil.
This is an image of the optic nerve head. An examination of the retina following dilatation of pupil is recommended to exclude a more serious aetiology
while it is nor serious it is important to follow up to exclude serious causes                                                                                                                                                  

Any "white pupil' requires a full retinal examination with dilation of the pupils to exclude serious aetiologies

Leucocoria imageLeucocoria image