• Preverbal children:
The observation of behavioural patterns is the simplest method of assessment in this age group.  Further information can be gained by fixation and pursuit patterns when appropriate visual targets are shown.  Pupillary responses to light and opticokinetic nystagmus can also be used.  
At 2-4 weeks an infant will fixate and follow a light.
By 5-6 weeks a large object will be followed.
By 5-6 months small objects will receive attention. Small toys, attractive objects, (Smarties or 100s & 1000s) may be used to determine visual responses.
Preference of fixation with one eye is an indication of better vision in that eye. A strabismic patient will alternate the fixing eye if vision is equal.
If no response is obtained subjectively vision can be assessed objectively Objective assessment of Vision
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