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Print | EmailDefinition – Drooping of the upper eyelid

– Congenital Congenital
- Idiopathic, Hereditary
- Acquired
- Traumatic
- Mechanical
- Neurogenic – 3rd nerve palsy          view 3rd N ptosis
- Sympathetic palsy – Horner’s Syndrome
- Myasthenia gravis-                             view myasthenia ptosis

If total ptosis exists deprivational amblyopia could occur. This is rare. But anisometropic amblyopia is common, because of associated astigmatism.
For Further discussion of amblyopia
– Test vision and perform a refraction to exclude amblyopia and astigmatism

Monitor vision and refraction
Many children with congenital ptosis do not close their eyelid fully while sleeping.
Surgery at 3 – 4 year- earlier if ptosis is obstructing vision.
- Partial Ptosis
- the muscle of elevation
–Levator Palpebrae Superioris can be effectively adjusted to correct the eyelid height. This operation is performed through an incision which is placed in the eyelid skin crease. It is effectively hidden when the eye opens.This surgery is very effective. In 95% of cases the eyelid elevates to the desired height postoperatively. Rarely it may be necessary to adjust the eyelid position to attain maximal correction postoperatively
Commonly the tendency to sleep with the eyelid open may be exaggerated in the early postoperative period.
Possible Complication of Surgery
– corneal exposure may occur- an extremely rare complication in children.
Total Ptosis:
Surgery to correct this involves attaching the eyelid to the muscles of the forehead- Frontalis Sling Procedure.
The ideal material For this is fascia from the patient’s own thigh. This Fascia is a living graft and grows with the patient becoming incorporated in the eyelid tissues and results in a permanent cure.
A silicone strap is available to correct total ptosis in infants when fascia cannot be obtained.
This has proved an excellent alternative to fascia. It simplifies the operation and has good long term results.

Ptosis imagePtosis image