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Print | EmailRetinoblastoma
Definition: A malignant tumour of the retinal receptor cells
- 1 out of 23000 live births
- sporadic or dominantly inherited
- If bilateral, inherited or due to germ mutation may be transmitted
- Unilateral
– probably sporadic
– Strabismus and/or leucocoria                                                                            bilateral leucocoria image
- The entire retina of each eye must be examined by indirect ophthalmoscopy following dilation of the pupil.
- X-ray demonstrates the presence of calcium
- Examination of siblings is important
- Chromosome abnormality is occasionally seen
- Enucleation of one eye and irradiation of the second eye, if involved, unless diagnosis is certain from family history then bilateral irradiation.
- >80% survival if prompt early treatment
- 20% survival if tumour has spread to optic nerve or orbit.

More details re Leucocoria

Tumours image